Thursday 25 May 2017

Guava Leaves for Hair Growth

How to Use This Ancient Beauty Remedy

        Winter mornings are beautiful; the dewy grass, foggy sky and piping hot masala chai. But as much as I love the season, I dread it for the beauty woes it brings along with it, particularly hair fall. It’s hard to put in words my struggle with hair fall over the years. From undergoing various salon treatments to using expensive hair products claiming to bring respite, I have tried it all. Yet none of them have brought me any luck. And just when I was giving up, I discovered a miraculous natural ingredient that seemed promising to bring back my crowning glory.
        Guava leaves, yes, that’s right! Growing in abundance around you, these leaves have the ability to stop hair loss and make it grow back with vigour. Even if you are suffering from minor hair loss at the moment, you must not neglect it. Having to deal with it when it gets severe is not only stressful but expensive as well. So why not opt for a natural remedy that work’s great and is cheap at the same time? Like they say, prevention is better than cure.

Benefits of Guava Leaves
      Guava leaves are as great as the fruit, which is credited for being a powerhouse of nutrients and is widely popular too. Just like the fruit, the leaves too contain vitamin B and C, which help boost collagen activity required for hair growth.

    Dr. Sapna V Roshni, Cosmetic Surgeon and Hair Specialist, Cocoona Centre for Aesthetic Transformation, says, “Guava leaves are a natural remedy for hair growth. Its benefits are many fold. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties which help to maintain a healthy scalp. The vitamin C content improves collagen activity aiding in hair growth and the lycopene content gives protection from sun's UV rays. In short, guava leaves helps one to have a good hair growth solution without burning one's pocket.”

        Dr. Anshul Jaibharat, a Delhi-based Nutritionist, says, "guava leaves are a powerhouse of antioxidants like vitamin C, and flavonoids such as quercetin that are known to bring about various benefits for our heath and beauty."

Maintains Oral Health
Dental plaque is the principal factor in many oral health problems. The anti-plague properties of guava leaves are effective in preventing and treating oral problems. Herbalists recommend the use of tender leaves of guava (in paste form) to maintain oral hygiene. The leaves have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antimicrobial properties that help reduce gum inflammation and leave your breath fresh and clean.
       Plus, you can use guava leaves to cure toothaches, swollen gums and oral ulcers. You can also use the twigs of guava trees like a toothbrush or as a chewing stick for cleaning your teeth.
      To maintain oral health, simply chew 1 or 2 tender guava leaves daily. You can also make a homemade mouthwash by boiling 5 to 6 tender guava leaves in water. Allow the solution to cool to a warm temperature and add some salt. Swish the mouthwash thoroughly around your mouth and teeth once or twice daily.

How to Use Guava Leaves
While most of us are unaware about the health benefits of guava leaves, it has been traditional medicine for centuries in Mexico and parts of South America. Including guava leaves in your regular hair care regime can help you see substantial hair growth. Besides its 100% natural, which mean that you needn’t worry about any harmful reaction.

    You can use guava leaves to make a cup of tea and drink it regularly or make a lotion to apply it on your hair and scalp. Follow the steps below to make your very own guava leaf hair care solution that will battle hair fall and promote hair growth.

    All you require is a handful of guava leaves, 
 one liter of water and a pot for boiling the ingredients.
       Start by boiling guava leaves in water for 20 minutes, strain the concoction and let it cool down to the room temperature. You must ensure that your hair is product free, so it might be best to use this solution after showering.
    Once your hair is almost dry, section it and start applying the guava leaf solution. Massage the solution into your scalp for at least 10 minutes and ensure that it’s well spread. Massaging improves blood pressure, which helps the follicles receive more nutrition.
         Pay extra attention to the roots and tips while you apply the solution. You can leave this solution on for up to two hours. Optionally, you can wrap your hair with a towel and sleep with it.
      Rinse your hair with lukewarm water, and not hot water as it dries out your hair and scalp. If you are facing a hair fall problem, use this guava leaf solution thrice a week. If you are using it to speed up hair growth and keep your hair shiny, use it twice a week.

Apart from this amazing
remedy, eating guava supplies a number of vitamins and minerals to the body, and the unique constituent of this fruit also promotes better absorption of nutrients from the food, which helps in treating hair and scalp problems.

Note: If you are facing severe hair loss, 

please consult a doctor.


Wednesday 24 May 2017

Incredible Benefits of Guava Leaf Tea

 Guava is very common type of fruit in Asian countries, but is also readily available in western countries. The fruit is round or pear-shaped with light green, yellow or maroon skin and white or maroon flesh that contains many small, hard edible seeds. It is soft when ripe with a sweet, musky aroma and creamy in texture.Apart from the distinctive flavor and fragrance, guava is actually a super fruit because of its numerous health-promoting qualities

Along with the fruit, the bark and leaves of guava trees also provide numerous health benefits. Guava has a high content of Vitamins C and A. In fact, one guava fruit contains 4 times more Vitamin C than an average-size orange and 10 times more Vitamin A than a lemon.
It also contains vitamins B2, E and K, fiber, calcium, copper, folate, iron, manganese, phosphorus and potassium. With all the nutrition that it provides, guava hardly contains any fats. Moreover, it is one of the least chemically treated and sprayed fruits.In different cuisines, this fruit is used as an ingredient in both sweet and savory dishes. Guava juice is also a refreshing drink. You can also enjoy guava in sauces, candies, jams and jellies.

Guava leaf tea may help inhibit diarrhea-causing bacteria. According to a 2008 study published in the Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo, guava leaf extract inhibits the growth of staphylococcus aureus bacteria, a common cause of diarrhea.. People suffering from diarrhea who drink guava leaf tea may experience less abdominal pain, fewer and less watery stools, and a quicker recovery, according to Add the leaves and root of guava to a cup of boiling water, strain the water and consume it on an empty stomach for quick relief.
This tea will cause fewer stools, lessen abdominal pain, lessen watery stools and promote a quick recovery.
Guava fruit is also good for the digestive tract. Its antibacterial property helps clean the digestive tract, discouraging bacterial and microbial growth and its fiber content promotes digestion and proper excretion.
To prevent stomach-related problems, chew guava leaves or eat a raw guava daily.

Lowers Cholesterol

According to an article published in Nutrition and Metabolism, study participants who drank guava leaf tea had lower cholesterol levels after eight weeks.

Manages Diabetes
Japan has approved guava leaf tea as one of the foods for specified health uses to help with the prevention and treatment of diabetes. The compounds in the tea help regulate blood sugar levels after meals, by inhibiting the absorption of two types of sugars - sucrose and maltose. According to an article published in Nutrition and Metabolism, guava leaf tea inhibits several different enzymes that convert carbohydrate in the digestive tract into glucose, potentially slowing its uptake into your blood.
Chinese medicine has used guava for the treatment of diabetes for years. According to a 1983 study published in the American Journal of Chinese Medicine, the hypoglycemic effect of guava juice is useful in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
Those who are at risk of developing diabetes can help prevent it by drinking guava leaf tea. 
Promotes Weight Loss

Guava leaves help prevent complex carbs from turning into sugars, promoting rapid weight loss. Drink guava leaf tea or juice regularly to reap the benefits.
To prevent thyroid-related problems, make guava leaf tea an important part of your diet.

Fights Cancer
Dr. Anju Sood says, "Guava leaves can lower the risk of cancer”- especially breast, prostate, and oral cancers - due to high quantities of the antioxidant lycopene. Various studies have revealed that lycopene plays a significant role in lowering the risk of cancer.

Heals Cold and Cough
Guava leaves contain high levels of Vitamin C and iron, and a decoction of guava leaves is very helpful in relieving cough and cold as it helps get rid of mucus. It also disinfects the respiratory tract, throat and lungs.

Reduces Acne

Due to their high percentage of Vitamin C, guava leaves can help get rid of acne when crushed and applied to trouble spots.

Improves Skin Texture

Guavas have high astringent properties, and guava leaves rank even higher. Apply a decoction of the leaves on your skin to help tone and tighten facial muscles.

Prevents Hair Loss
Suffering from hair loss? Guava leaves can be boiled and massaged onto the scalp.
Note: Make sure the water is cool before applying it to the scalp.

Beats Toothache

"Guava leaves are anti inflammatory in nature and help in maintaining good oral health", says Delhi-based Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat. Guava leaf tea works as a fantastic home remedy for toothache, swollen gums and oral ulcers due to the powerful antibacterial agents. You can also grind the leaves into a paste and apply it to your gums and teeth to cure these problems.

Improves Quality of Sleep

"Drinking guava leaf tea regularly helps improve quality of sleep", says Dr. Ashutosh Gautam, Clinical Operations and Coordination Manager at Baidyanath. It calms your nerves and quietens your mind, making it easier to slip into slumber.

Boosts Immunity
According to Bangalore-based Nutritionist Dr. Anju Sood, "guava leaf tea helps boost the immune system", thereby reducing the risk of various illnesses.

Soothes Gastrointestinal Issues
Guava leaves are useful in treating gastrointestinal issues because they reduce the production of extra mucus that can irritate the digestive system, and prevent further microbial growth in the intestines due to anti-bacterial properties.

Promotes Heart Health
"Guava leaf tea may also benefit your heart and circulatory system", says Anshul Jaibharat. According to a 1993 study published in the Journal of Human Hypertension, regular guava fruit intake can help decrease blood pressure and blood lipids. This is due to its higher potassium, Vitamin C and soluble fiber content. Potassium helps maintain a steady heartbeat and control high blood pressure, while Vitamin C keeps the small blood vessels healthy.
In addition, the lycopene found in pink-fleshed guava helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease in people who eat this fruit on a regular basis. Drinking guava leaf tea prepared by steeping the dried leaves in hot water helps lower total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol) levels and triglycerides. This helps keep your heart and vascular system healthy

Good for Your Brain

"Guava leaves contain Vitamin B3 (niacin) and Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), which help in improving blood circulation to the brain, stimulating cognitive function and relaxing the nerves", remarks Dr. Manoj K. Ahuja.

To make the tea:
Dry the tender guava leaves and crush them into a powder.
Add 1 tablespoon of crushed guava leaves to a cup of hot water.
Cover and allow it to steep for 5 minutes, then strain it.
Drink this tea once daily.

 Note: Please consult a doctor.

Friday 12 February 2016

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time

Once upon a time, an old man spread rumors that his neighbor was a thief.A a result, the young man was arrested. Days later the young man proven innocent. After been released he sued the old man wrongly accusing him.
In the court the old man told the Judge; 
"They were just comments, didn't harm anyone."
The judge, before passing sentence on the case, told the old man:
"Write all the things you said about him in piece of paper. Cut them up and on the way home, throw the piece of paper out. Tomorrow, come back to hear the sentence."
Next day, the judge told the old man:
"Before receiving the sentence, you will have to go out and gather all the pieces of paper that you threw out yesterday."
The old man said:
"I can"t do that! The wind spread them and I won't know where to find them."
Judge then reply:
The same way, comments may destroy the honor of a man to such an extent that one is not able to fix it. If you can't speak well of someone, rather don't say anything. Lets all be master of our mouth, So that we won't be slaves of our words."
"Gossips is worse than thieves because they steal another person's dignity, honor, reputation and credibility which are impossible to restore. So remember  this: when your feet slip, you can always recover your balance; but when your tongue slips, you cannot recover your words."

Sunday 21 April 2013

Clean Your Kidney

Clean Your Kidney

Year a pass by and our kidney are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering to our body. With time, salt accumulates and we need to undergo cleaning treatments and how are we going to overcome this?


 It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley (Malli Leaves) Kothimbir (Dhaniya) and wash it clean. Then cut it into small pieces and put into a pot. Pour 3-4 cup of clean water and boil it, after boil for 10 minutes you can let cool down. After cooling down, filter it and pour it into a clean jug or bottle as you like. Then keep it inside refrigerator for daily drink.   

Drink it one glass a day, after few days you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney. By urination also you will be able to notice the different which you never felt before.

Parsley is known as best cleaning treatment for kidney and it is natural food!

You can make a Parley Lemonade "Allergies Be Gone" Alkaline Green Juice or Short Ribs with Frisee-Parsley Salad, also you can have a spicy Laksa Noodle with Parsley here in Malaysia.

Hope you will share this to all your friends and loved one.

Guava Leaves for Hair Growth

How to Use This Ancient Beauty Remedy         Winter mornings are beautiful; the dewy grass, foggy sky and piping hot masala chai. But...